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A Quarterly Business Q4CY23 and CY22
Q4CY23 and CY22 Result Analysis
Domestic Volume Sales Growth
Growth Over the Years
Quarterly Growth Performance
Segment Wise Growth:
· Confectionery segment gave a superlative performance in CY22, growing by 25%. Nestle grew ahead of the industry in the confectionery segment, gaining market share in the light wafers and chocolates space
· Milk and Nutrition grew by 9.5%, with underlying volume growth of ~2-3% and pricing growth of ~6%.
· Prepared Dishes and Cooking Aids witnessed steady growth of 15.6%, driven by ‘Maggi Noodles’ on the back of media activations and distribution expansion initiatives.
· Powdered and Liquid Beverages reported a strong 19.2% growth with ‘Nescafe’ having its best year in 2022 and Nestle reaching its highest ever market share in the category.
The e-commerce channel sustained good growth despite higher base from Covid-19 led disruptions and now contributes ~6.5% to the company’s overall sales.
Business Comments – Full Year 2022:
Category Performance – Full Year 2022:
Year 2022 witnessed broad based, double digit, volume & mix led growth, despite challenging and highly volatile economic environment.
Concall Highlights:
Capex Guidance:
Nestle had a capex of ~Rs 5 bn in CY22. However, with most of their facilities working at high-capacity utilisation, the company will be investing heavily on capacity expansions in the next two years. The company expects to spend ~Rs 13 bn in CY23 and ~Rs 20 bn in CY24. The next two years will see peak capex outlay for Nestle. The thrust on capex should also aid in the new product launches and their scaling up. The capex by Nestle India will be in addition to the roughly Rs 50 bn investment which Nestle SA has planned to make in the next three years. All in all, the next two to three years will see some of the highest levels of capex that Nestle has made in India.
Volume Growth
Value Growth
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I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Stocx Research Club). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
Disc - Not an recommendation. Source - Company's investor presentation, press release, Earning conference call
I am not a SEBI Registered individual/entity and the above research article is only for educational purpose and is never intended as trading/investment advice.