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One of the biggest companies in the MFI sector, SCNL has a broad regional reach. Through subsidiaries, the corporation entered the MSME and home finance segments, which might stimulate development despite weaker asset quality. Additionally, by diversifying geographically, it is lowering its risk. A reliable source of additional income is growing for Indusind Bank's BC (Banking Correspondent) business.
According to research by the National Council of Applied Economic Research, the microfinance industry contributed roughly 2% of India's gross value added (GVA), while the overall contribution of the entire financial industry was about 5.5% in 2018–19. (NCAER). With all its forward and backward connections and the ability to generate jobs, it was stated that the microfinance sector makes a substantial contribution to the economy.
According to the economic research organization, under the best-case scenario, the entire microfinance industry, including the backward and forward connections, is expected to contribute 3.52% of GVA. Under the base case, the sector's contribution might increase to 2.7%, but under the worst-case scenarios, it could decrease to 1.54%.
In March 2022, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) lifted the cap on interest rates for loans provided by microfinance institutions (MFIs), among other significant changes to bring all microlenders—including banks, small finance banks, NBFCs, and not-for-profit organizations—onto a single regulatory framework. The RBI also increased the threshold for a loan without collateral to qualify as a microloan to Rs 3 lakh annually. These loans have been categorized as microfinance loans up to this point if they are issued to households with an annual income of Rs. 1.25 lakh in rural India and Rs. 2 lakhs in urban and semi-urban areas.
SCNL has expanded its secured lending portfolio and diversified its product offerings over time. Through its subsidiary Satin Housing Loan Ltd. (SHFL), it entered the affordable housing finance market in 2017 for clients from middle and low-income groups in outlying tier-II and below cities. In order to offer secured retail loans to MSMEs and other borrowers, it established Satin FinServ Ltd. (SFL) in 2018. The MSME book increased from Rs 378 crore in FY20 to Rs 603 crore in Q2 FY23 despite the difficulties brought on by the Covid epidemic, while the housing finance book increased from Rs 139 crore to Rs 362 crore during the same period.
Since borrowers in the microfinance sector tend to be low-income, lending is not generally opposed to political meddling.
The political risk for microfinance lenders is increased when a state's loan portfolio is concentrated, as was the case in Andhra Pradesh in 2012. The geographic concentration of SCNL is gradually decreasing as it grows. In Q2FY23, UP, which made up more than 50% of its portfolio in FY16, commanded a stake of about 25%. The aggregate share of the top 3 states dropped from over 74% in FY16 to about 47% in Q2 FY23.
Between FY16 and Q2FY23, the average exposure per district decreased from 0.50% to 0.25%. From 27% in FY16 to 14% in 2018, the top 10 districts' aggregate exposure to AUM has decreased. In order to further diversify its business and lessen its reliance on any one state, SCNL intends to expand its presence in the southern states.
In order to give a moratorium where it was required, SCNL restructured 21.4% of the loans during the pandemic, totaling Rs 1,151 crore. The company kept track of the performance of this portfolio and discovered that a certain group of clients continue to experience economic instability, making it impossible for them to make their loan repayments. As a result, the company made the decision to write off debts totaling Rs. 483 crores in H1FY23. After the write-off, the restructured book's percentage of total book AUM, or Rs 318 crore, has dropped to 6.4%, with an ECL provision of Rs 76 crore and a collection efficiency of 77.6%, as of Q2FY23. GNPA for SCNL dropped from 8% (Rs 412cr) at the end of FY22 to 4.0% (Rs 198cr) in Q2FY23. It holds a Rs 148 crore provision or 3% of on-book AUM. As a result, it is protected from any extra stress brought on by the previous lending.
SCNL's collection efficiency has increased over the past year, and many of the arrears have also been paid. With a highly clean portfolio after the write-off, the business should be able to keep up a high collection efficiency. The top 4 states, which make up 53% of the portfolio, have also experienced significant improvement.
Aarti Agri feeds LLP, Adesh Agricare LLP, Adesh Agri farm LLP, and Trimudra Trade & Holdings Private Ltd received a total of 30,76,916 shares (i.e. 7,69,229 shares apiece) from SCNL at a price of Rs 81.25 per share. Additionally, it has granted 2,46,15,384 warrants (i.e., 1,23,07,692 warrants apiece) to Florin tree Ventures LLP (non-promoter), led by Mathew Cyriac, a former head of Blackstone India, and Trishashna Holdings & Investments Pvt Ltd (promoter & promoter group), convertible at Rs 81.25 per share. This has improved capital sufficiency and given leeway for additional payments after writing off a sizable portion of the loan book. At the conclusion of Q2FY23, the CAR was 24.1%.
Numerous businesses have entered this market given the microfinance sector's great development prospects. Margin erosion would result from increased competition brought on by new players entering the market and established competitors expanding.
Due to SCNL's failure to pay dividends, some investors seeking stable income may be turned off.
Political meddling is rife in the microfinance industry. In the past, a lot of state governments have announced loan waivers, which disrupts the company's cycle of repayment.
With a large percentage of term loans, SCNL's borrowing costs are typically on the higher side. It will have access to low-cost CPs and other instruments as its credit rating improves.
SCNL owes Assam a total of Rs 207 crore, of which Rs 105 crore is now non-performing assets. Since SCNL and the state have an MoU, it is likely that it will be able to collect most of these loans. Relief for almost 11 lac microfinance borrowers was agreed by the Assam cabinet, although the company's recovery may take longer.
Taraashna Services Limited (TSL)
In September 2016, SCNL bought 7.8 billion equity shares in TSL, representing 87.83% ownership in the company. Following Satin's acquisition of TSL, the Board of Directors of SCNL distributed 10.87 lakh equity shares worth Rs 10 each on a preferential basis to individuals and organizations associated with the promoter and non-promoter groups in exchange for TSL shareholders' shares, at an issue price of Rs 457.82 per share (including premium of Rs 447.82 per share). Satin became the sole stakeholder of TSL in FY19 after purchasing the remaining shares from its previous shareholder, MV Mauritius Limited. In rural and semi-urban areas, TSL serves as a business correspondent for banks and offers comparable services to other financial organizations.
TSL has 158 branches spread across 6 states at the end of FY22, with an AUM of Rs 674cr. TSL reported gross revenue of Rs 70 crore and a loss of Rs 22 crore in FY22, compared to Rs 59 crore and a loss of Rs 5 crore in FY21.
Satin Housing Finance Limited (SHFL)
Incorporated in April 2017, SHFL successfully launched its activities in February 2018. In order to make it possible to buy, build, extend, and repair affordable housing units, SHFL offers a variety of cutting-edge and adaptable home loan products. Additionally, the business offers loans secured by real estate, with a particular emphasis on disadvantaged groups of the population that are at the bottom and middle of the socioeconomic pyramid. In addition to 22 branches, SHFL maintains its registered office in Azadpur (Delhi).
The company had a minimal NPA as of Q2FY23 and an AUM of Rs 362cr. In contrast to its FY21 results of Rs 30cr and Rs 1.4cr, it recorded an income of Rs 38cr and a PAT of Rs 3cr for FY22. SCNL invested Rs 5 crore in the business in FY22.
Satin Finserv Limited (SFL)
SFL was established in August 2018 with the goal of offering business loans to corporate, SME, and MSME borrowers. The company had Rs 184cr in AUM as of Q2FY23. The portfolio's GNPA was 4.9% (ECL provision: 3.3%), with 6% of it restructured. As opposed to Rs 25 and Rs 4.8 in FY21, it recorded an income of Rs 28 crore and a PAT of Rs 1.8 crore in FY22. The SCNL has approved a resolution to combine TFS and SFL.
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